October 6, 2011

Pinterest Nailed It; Bat Edition

For those of you who know about pinterest, My husband has a genius idea of starting a blog where you showcase what inspired you on pinterest, and then what it really looks like when someone makes it.  This is example picture makes me laugh every time:

Without a fancy camera, huge supply closet, and Martha Stewart genes, it's hard to have any craft turn out like the original.  But non the less, Pinterest is still very inspiring to me.  In getting into the Halloween spirit, I found this picture on Pinterest.  (Why do I feel the need to capitalize Pinterest, like it's some sort of big deal?)

I'm not really big into the Halloween spirit.  As a child adult, I have always been terrified of people in costumes.  I hate being scared.  And I'd rather eat a hot dog than sugary candy any day.  It's just not my holiday, but with a fascinated and excited little toddler, I'm trying to get more into the spirit.  So here is our "real life" pinterest attempt.

$5 Bat Cut-Outs from Michael's + Fishing Wire + Pennies to weigh down the wings = Your Very Own Patio Bat Colony!

1 comment:

Mrs. Bianca said...

You capitalize it because it is a proper noun. I like your version. Great job!