May 9, 2014

10 Years Ago: Will You Go Out With Me?

   Ten years ago this day, it was a warm Sunday.  Kevin & I had just gone to the CSA formal the week before as friends.  I lost my disposable camera at the dance, and Kevin had got it back for me.  As I dropped it off at Walmart's one-hour photo lab, I called him to let him know I was getting it developed.  Kevin said, "Really?  How long is it going to take?"  I said sarcastically, "I'm not sure, but I'm guessing an hour."  Little did I know, Kevin had added extra pictures to the film.....

The last two pictures were taken under the pretense of trying to capture what our finals were like.  Me thinking, and him hoping. 

I looked at the pictures at the Walmart kiosk, and immediately called him with a big "YES"!