July 29, 2010

Mr. Nielsen, You are Welcome!

USA, you can thank me for imputing my pristine t.v. viewing preferences to the Nielsen ratings guide. I didn't think anything would happen when we filled out the questionnaire that came in the mail. Kevin and I were just over the moon that they gave us $2 to fill it out. (We're simple people) But lo and behold, a few weeks later we were mailed a t.v. diary with $30 for our trouble. Needless to say with such a large amount of dough, we still haven't decided what splurge to use it on. I'm dreaming of a pedicure...

Writing out a T.V. diary would seem like a simple test, but it was a lot more involved than I thought. I would rather right down every calorie I've eaten than note what show was on, what channel, what call letters, for how long, and who was watching. I'll be completely honest here (hopefully Mr. Nielsen isn't reading) but I wrote we watched nothing on Sunday because I couldn't remember what boring program we vegged out to. Luckily my lazy nature got a free ride, and we were out of town for 3 of the days in the survey! I just had to scribble "not viewing" over all those days.

I will apologize to America that our boring, sometimes embarrassing, T.V. habits might mold your future show schedules. Ellen and All My Children will see a ratings boost, since I literally watch them every day. I even had to admit that I spent a whole hour watching a documentary on synchronized swimming on PBS. The real shame is that we got this diary in the summer, when all the crappy reruns stop us from watching our real loves. Because of the timing, Bachelorette and Wipeout had to be recorded instead of Modern Family, LOST, and 30 Rock. Not that I don't enjoy Bachelorette (please pick the hot Latino, Ricardo, Alli) and Wipeout (the sweeper arms make me tense), I just feel other shows could have been highlighted.

Let's hope there is some sort of mailing error, and they ask me to do it again in a month. Think of what I could do with another $30!

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