January 18, 2010

Help Yourself

I'm a big fan of self-help books, because they have helped me get through some of the rockiest parts of my life. Here are some of the top choices!

Emotionally Engaged: A Bride's Guide to Surviving the "Happiest" Time of Her Life.

This is the perfect suggestion for any newly engaged girl. While being engaged is exciting and thrilling, it is also very stressful and crazy to plan a wedding out of thin air.


What to Expect When You're Expecting

I wasn't a big fan of this book, but everyone gets it with their first kid. I'm a bigger fan of the internet. Tons of information right at your finger tips. The best pregnancy website has to be http://www.babycenter.com/. It will help calm your fears, explain your random drooling, and then get you excited about what's to come.

Secrets of the Baby Whisperer.

I cannot praise the wonders of this book enough. A few weeks after Clare was born when all the help had left and my post pardum depression was peaking at it's worst, I was in desperate need for a miracle. I checked out this book and read it between nursing and naps. It completely changed my attitude from desperation to feeling like I had some control. She is the reason Clare doesn't need a pacifier anymore and needs no assistance to fall asleep on her own.


Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.

This has to be the blandest self help book I've ever read. Lot's of facts and no fun fluff. The information in the book was very helpful though. It let me know what the normal sleeping patterns are for babies of different ages are. It gives you a heads up on when nap times will shift and some tips of helping you baby stay well rested.

Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers.

This is my latest buy. I haven't read it yet, but I'm excited to see how I show discipline and set boundaries to a daughter who can't even say 'mama' yet.

If you know of any other good ones to read, please let me know!

1 comment:

The Estes Family said...

Thanks for the book reviews! I will be keeping these in mind for one day in the future! We hope you two are doing great and we want to see yall soon!