September 30, 2008


When being asleep is your favorite part of the day, it naturally makes all mornings the worst time of the day. I am a very grouchy person in the morning, and you better stay out of my way. Kevin's morning routine is earlier than mine and a lot more chipper. As he greets me with a perky "Good Morning", I respond with a loving "gruhhh". I tend to not like to use words until after my hot shower.

Since the first of my pregnancy, my dreams have quadrupled and exploded in vivid stories all over my mind. My entire night is filled with dream after dream after dream. I wake up feeling like I haven't rested due to all the running around I've done the entire night. Some people say that everyone dreams all the time at night, but only a few remember it when you wake up. Maybe my waking up every other hour to use the restroom has caused me to remember more than usual.

I must admit that this period of dreams is a lot more welcome than when I was a child. I never had "good dreams" as a child, only nightmares. I never understood why everyone loved to have dreams and analyze them, because they were always a horrible event to remember for me. The only flying dream I had was because I had just been killed and was then floating up to heaven. Luckily through some childhood therapy and my loving and patient Mom & Dad, I was able to leave that stage of my life behind and actually have good dreams for the first time ever.

Now that my nights are completely booked solid with dreams, the variety is pretty pathetic. Apparently my active imagination during the day doesn't like to exert itself at night. After watching the presidential debate, I dreamed about the debate. After watching 12 Amazing Race reruns, I dreamed about the Amazing Race. It's getting a bit boring. I think I will eat some spicy mustard and bad cheese tonight to see if the old "Christmas Carol" theory will give me some more interesting dreams.

Sweet dreams everyone and good luck waking up in the morning!

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