September 2, 2008

Two Years and Counting

Dear Kevin,

Happy Two Year Wedding Anniversary! In the past two years, I have really come to realize how much God loves me to have paired me with you. On that beautiful and muggy wedding day, I stood before God and all our loved ones and promised to be your wife for the rest of my life. While at the time I knew that you were an amazing man, I didn’t know yet what a perfect match for me you would be. Through these years, God has revealed more and more of how you are a perfect compliment to my soul.

I know that when we are joking around I love to tell you that “You’re my Favorite”, but I don’t think you know how true that is.

When you are driving me around in the car, with my fist pumping in the air and you dancing with your shoulders… You’re my favorite.

When I’m an emotional heap-of-a-mess, crying in bed, and you make me see that everything’s going to be okay… You’re my favorite.

When we are lying around watching T.V. at night, and you give me a few of the purple fruit snacks because you know they are my favorite… You’re my favorite.

When I look at our entwined hands after communion at mass, and I know that you are praying for me and our marriage… You’re my favorite.

When I feel so fat and ugly pregnant, and you have to help me off the couch and tell me that you think I’m still beautiful and sexy… You’re my favorite.

When we walk around the house talking and imagining about all the projects and improvements we plan to do throughout the years… You’re my favorite.

When we go to Sonic and you order my overly picky drink (Medium Diet Coke, Light Ice, with Real Cherries, no Cherry syrup) without complaint… You’re my favorite.

When I get lonely sitting in my hot bath and need someone to talk to, and you sit in the bathroom even though you have other things you would rather do… You’re my favorite.

When I think about how much you mean to me and how whole my life has become since we said ‘I do’… You’re my favorite.

Two years is not a very long time, but they have definitely been more wonderful than I could have imagined. My heart swells with joy when I think of the years together we have ahead of us. And at night when I watch you sleep, I pray to God that nothing separates us before we grow old together and thank Him for choosing you to be my husband. I am truly blessed, and I love You!

Mary (LoveDove)


Unknown said...

I love that...this is Brandi (Ballou) Grimsley by the way. Brian's friend. Just stopping by and saying hello.

Stacie said...

You're beautiful! I love you both :)