September 4, 2007

Give me your forever

One year ago, I stood in front of God, family, and friends and married the love of my life. We promised to give each other our forever, not just a few good years, not just as long as we still felt good about each other, but we vowed on forever. I don’t think I realized what taking someone’s forever would involve, but now I have a bit more of an idea. Kevin, give me your forever….

- There are days when we you can’t seem to wipe the smile off your face. When your joy is so infectious that is impossible not to feel lifted up by being next to you. Give me your happiness to me, give me your forever.

- Some days you just can’t catch a break. It’s like a repeated onslaught of bad events and bad timing. Anger fills your chest, and someone needs to stand by your side. Give me your anger, give me your forever.

- They say that marriage is when two become one. There are times when we are so close that I have trouble finding where you end and I begin. That bond is so close and precious. Give me that connection, give me your forever.

- Those migraines pound your head. They make it hard to stand up much less concentrate on doing anything else. Some one needs to help you and watch over you. Give me your sickness, give me your forever.

- You open presents on Christmas day and I open them on the Eve. I read the fortune before even eating the cookie and you have to eat at least half before getting the read the fortune. Our traditions are different, but now in marriage they need to become the same. Give me your traditions, give me your forever.

- You went from one day being a guy that I was dating to the next day being a part of my family. People who seem like strangers are now tied together as family. You lead me into a group of people who know you so well, and know me so little. Give me your family, give me your forever.

Every day our vows become true as we hold on to each other and accept the good and the bad, the rich and the poor, the sickness and the health, the better and the worse every day from now on out. I take your forever with a happy heart, because there is no one else I would want to share my forever with than you.

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