August 21, 2005

Love? Love! Love.

how do you show love? how do you receive love? where did your concept of love come from?

Everyone was raised with a different type of love. We are surrounded with different types of love. We all show our love for others in different ways. How was I loved?

I learned from my mother :: In the kitchen, mom would dance with us. Sometimes to music, sometimes to her humming. Sometimes I would do it willingly, sometimes she would literally drag me on the floor. We spun around the tiny kitchen area laughing and I knew she loved me. I guess that's one of the reasons dancing and hugging mean so much to me, because that was one of the ways I was taught to love.

I learned from my father :: I love my father to death and I'm a huge daddy's girl, but I must admit that my father is a very big nerd. As a teenager, I would be mortified with embarassment. He would walk around in public with a pith helmet!!! (If you don't know what that is, imagine a tan round hard hat that you would wear in a jungle). But he taught me an accepting love. Yeah he's not the coolest in the world, but he's my dad. He loves me more than anything. So no matter what he wears, no matter how nerdy he gets, no matter what out of date thing he does, i love him and he loves me. I learned to love despite outward appearances or mannerisms.

I learned from my sister :: There is no bubble. Meaning we hold hands, kiss on the check, hug, link arms, rub shoulders, and all things that are in your personal bubble. My best friend in high school had a big bubble around her, and she would always yell at me for getting in it. It's just the type of love she taught me.

I learned from my brother :: Family is not something you exactly choose. Me and my brother didn't see eye to eye on things when I hit my teenage years and I thought he was wrong on a lot of things. But when it comes down to it all, his my brother and all I want to do is love him. No mater what your family has done or will do or wants you to do, you accept and love, because that's what families do. Familes got to love.

All my friends have taught me things about love, and maybe I've taught them some things. I'm not quite sure how I show love, but I know that I've sure felt it from my family and friends. Thanks to all for the lessons learned and the warmth felt.

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