October 3, 2012

I Want It All or Nothing at All

   "I want it All or Nothing at All".  Not only is this an extremely catchy, early 2000 boy band hit (Please, tell me I'm not the only one that remembers this song), it's also a materialistic see-saw I struggle with. 

     There are days when I look around my life and think, "Wow, I have so much stuff that I can't even imagine what I'd ask for my birthday/Christmas." My closets are full, my kitchen is fully stocked, and I have gadgets to occupy me all day.  Then the next day, "Oh, I wish I had more _______" or "I hope someone gets me ______." 

     It's gotten even worse now that I have a kid.  She needs some toys.  I need to give away loads of these toys.  How many toys should Santa give her?  Why do I feel like one present for her birthday is not enough?  She needs to learn to entertain herself with just a stick and imagination.  She needs bookshelves worth of books. 
    Ugh, the Jekyll and Hyde swings drive me nuts.  If my house burned to the ground tomorrow, would my life be empty?  No. When I die and head to the pearly gates, will I get to take my jewelry? No.  I heard once that the secret to life is being happy with what you've got.  Why is that secret so hard to grasp and so hard to embrace? 

   Do you struggle with this?  What are ways we can all find happiness in what we already have? 

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