May 23, 2012

Piano Project

In early February, a dear friend offered our family a free piano.  She was moving to a smaller place, and it was an older piano that needed a lot of TLC. 

So started our great piano improvement project.  It needed to be stripped, sanded, stained, and laquered all over again.  It's spent a lot of it's life in an storage shed, so a through cleaning was need.

The whole sanding process was horrible.  It took a lot more time, effort, and stress than we originally thought.  But it has all been worth it for our beautiful new addition.

Now we just need to luck into an abandoned paino bench!

1 comment:

Casey said...

Y'all did an awesome job! We just sold our piano because we move around too much and it also needed more TLC than we were willing to give. Hope you enjoy your new piano!