February 8, 2012

Science Geek

      Did you know I was a science fair geek?  I was that weird kid that actually got excited to do a project every year.  I was that kid that spent hours creating an awesome board display.  I was that kid that was afraid they were going to have a heart attack as they walked up to their board to see if they won a ribbon. 

    I don't mean to brag, but I have a box of 1st and 2nd place trophies in my mom's storage shed with my name on them.  Okay, so they're not mantle worthy, but they mean to much for me to throw away.  My best friend, Anna, and I had three glorious years going to the regional science fair after placing at our school, CTK.  I present this picture as proof, and not just something to laugh at!

Oh my, I had so much hair back then.  And look at those arms.  I couldn't have weighed more than 90 pounds soaking wet.

But let's back on topic.  Last week, I came full circle in my geek life.  I was a judge at the Christ the King science fair.  I can't tell you how bad I was freaking out about this.  It was all I could hope for and more; horribly over decorated boards, preteens sweating and stuttering in nervousness, judges trying to hide their boredom over another plant growing project, and a few projects that blew you away with potential.  It was a blast!  I loved being able to just look at a board and see if it was a winner or not.  It brought back so many memories.  I am so thankful I was asked to judge, and would love to do it every year from now on out.

1 comment:

Anna Ahern said...

WOW- Look how cute we are! I would have loved to judge with you it would have been just like being in the science fair again! And that was the year I tested roof strength! total geek! I guess that is why I am in Architecture School.