November 30, 2011

Dear Clare (Year 3)

Dear Clare,

        Happy 3rd Birthday, Munchkin!  As I write this, you are in the other room "reading" all your books.  You still are a bookworm through and through.  Well, we both made it through the terrible twos with only a few battle scars.  It really wasn't anything too bad.  I always brag that you are a much easier toddler, than newborn.  You have already entered into the 3 year old "Why?" years, except with your own flair, you say "What for?"  What for I can't push Mae?  What we don't eat food on floor for? What we go home for?
         You have gained so much independence this year.  Climbing in and out of your chair, eating by yourself, opening and shutting doors, putting on your shoes, wearing underwear, sleeping in a twin bed, and drinking out of normal glasses.  You tell me you're a "little big girl". Because you're not a baby, but you can't drive a car yet.  That's when you get to be a big girl, apparently.   
         Your birthday also marks our first full year in our house.  The move to Lubbock has been wonderful.  You get to see your Pamma and Pappa (Kevin's parents) way more, and you spend one day a week at Grandma and Grandpa's house (My parents).  It is so wonderful to be surrounded by family.  While your cousin Connor is still your best friend, you've also branched out and made new friends in our Mommy and Me group.
         You would be happy going to the Science Spectrum every day of the week, but some days I can get you excited about shopping.  You are still my constant companion, but luckily not as clingy as you used to be.  My heart melts when you tell me I'm your best friend.  I know there will probably come a day, when you won't even give me a hug in public. 
         When you born, you came out looking just like your father.  Since then, you've gained your own features, but still have so much in common with him.  You both are morning people, never seem to get cold, enjoy thrills and scares, could eat pizza 5 days a week, can watch football all day, and love to make up words and songs.
         This Thanksgiving, all I could think about is how thankful I am for you in my life.  Since we lost your brother, William, and haven't had any luck getting pregnant again, I realize how lucky we are to have you.  You are my gift from God.  Even though there are some days where we both drive each other crazy, I will always be happy that you're my daughter.  As we like to tell each other, "You're my favorite" and "You're my best friend".  I love you, Clarebear!

Love Always,

Interview with Clare (3 years old)

  1. Whose your favorite? Pooh
  2. What's your favorite color? Red
  3. What's your favorite animal? Giraffe
  4. What's your favorite food? Marshmallows
  5. Where do you like to play? Pamma's house
  6. What's your favorite thing to do? Go Shopping
  7. Whose your best friend? Connor is
  8. Whose your favorite Sesame Street character? Elmo
  9. Whose your favorite Winnie the Pooh character? Christopher Robin
  10. What's your favorite song? Elmo's song
  11. What were you for Halloween? Tigger
  12. What's your favorite toy? Giraffe Toy
  13. What do you love? My pink blanket
  14. What do you do at Pamma and Pappa's house? play some toys and read some books
  15. What do you do at Grandma and Grandpa's house? play some toys and read some book
  16. What's your favorite shirt? That one with all the sesame street guys in a balloon
  17. What's your favorite book? The bible books
  18. What's your favorite snack? a fruit
  19. What's your favorite thing to drink? Milk, water, and orange juice
  20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A fireman

A few weeks old

1 year old

2 years old

Almost 3 years old


Mrs. Bianca said...

Happy Birthday Clare! She's such a darling beauty and I love her little personality!

Renee White said...

It is awesome that you are writing all of this down. Clare will really treasure it as she gets older. It's hard to believe that it was three years ago when you and Kevin were core team members of the youth group and spent an entire weekend with teens at a retreat and came home and had Clare! So cool!!! I sure miss you guys but I am thankful for facebook so I can still keep in touch and watch that sweet girl grow. She is so blessed to have you and Kevin as parents.

Kathy Krile said...

What a wonderful granddaughter you are Clare. Grandma and Grandpa love you this much..................................................................................................................................................................!