July 12, 2011

Me to a Tee

My 27th birthday has now come and past. It's been a blur between traveling, and family, and the piles of laundry that comes with traveling. We've been so lucky in the past 3 weekends to be able to go to Kansas City and visit Kevin's Foltz side of the family, then Panhandle to visit my Looten side of the family, and then over to Albuquerque to squeeze in one last visit with Kevin's sister, Katie, before she heads to Ethiopia. I need a nap just re-reading all those trips!
But for my birthday, I decided to be very specific with my birthday present requests. (It's my birthday, so I can be bossy!) I could not be more pleased with what I got.
This is a tee from http://www.wildolivetees.com/ They make beautiful, religious shirts, that actually look good to wear. This one says "transform your mind". I like to think the girl on the shirt is what I look like in a spiritual world; crazy hair, bursting with flowers and butterflies.
I also got this beautiful birdie necklace. Just seeing it puts a smile on my face. It's simple, whimsical, and totally me.
It was a great birthday and some wonderful weekends, but I'm looking forward to do nothing this weekend besides twirl my new necklace between my fingers.

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