May 18, 2010

Pottery Class

Starting in middle school and all the way through high school, I took pottery classes in a little studio in Lubbock. I loved it, but college proved enough of a distraction for me to quit. Now Kevin gave me my second chance. Feeling a little lost between being a wife and mom, he suggested I start up a class again to get some "me time". It was the perfect solution. Here are a few of my pieces that I'm most proud of.

This is a cute little set. The mugs are large enough to be soup/chili bowls.
These are my new serving bowls! Please note the cool melted
blue glass at the bottom of one of the bowls.

This is Clare's Berry Bowl. (It has drainage holes like a colander).
We go through a batch of strawberries a week in this house.

Our new desk set (pen holder and coaster).
Once again, amazing melted glass on the coaster.

Thanks, Kevin, for making me sign up for the class. I loved it!

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