December 16, 2009

End of an Era

I recently heard that the youth group at my home parish, St. John Neumann, has been ended. To imagine my church without the youth group would be to in vision my life taking a completely different path. The group formed and lead me to be the person I am today.

When I first decided to step out from the shadows and join the youth group my older sister was so active in, I met the person who would be my closest friend all throughout high school and college. Initially it was our matching humor that brought Kevin Martinez and I together, but after that it was love of singing and our faith that cemented our friendship. With Kevin, came the best 'surrogate' sister a girl could ask for, his older sister Crystal. She is as much a part of our family as anyone could be and will always have a place to stay at our house.

I joined the youth group my 9th grade year and kept going till I graduated from high school. After that, it was only natural that I join the core team of leadership. There was even a brief couple of months when I took over as youth group leader. After that college ministry was calling me to move on, but I always left part of my heart with SJN.

In my mind, I can always pull up a highlight reel of the best times. Decorating all night for the Valentine's dinner, singing for the youth mass, trudging around my neighborhood huddling for warmth while we sing Christmas carols, sharing our conversions of heart at Stuebenville retreats, sleep deprived lock-ins, and friendships that will last a lifetime. With all the joy and happiness of those memories, there is still one memory that burns my heart with regret and sorrow. But even that painful memory is a life changing time in my life that has forever marked me and made me who I am today.

Now that it seems to be all over, I feel thanks are in order:

Liz- Thanks for getting involved in the youth group, and letting your little sister tag along with you all those years.

Kevin- Thanks for hours a laughter and joy.

Crystal - Thanks for always showing me love and support.

Analisa - Thanks for showing that even though someone might be quite doesn't mean they don't have faith that can shake the mountains.

Jason- Thanks for always pushing me to be a better core member and keeping me under your wing.

Nicolette - Thanks for letting me into your life. I don't know where you are anymore, but I will always be your sponsor and love you.

Jacob, Brenda, Lisa, Stephen, Mikey, Mike, Julius, Joe, Alexi, Danielle, Jonathan, Bobby, Carlos, Paul, Lindy, Jenny, Javier, Nina, Phillip, Tara, Tasha, Jerome, Vanessa - Thank you for your friendship and your faith. I will cherish all our memories.

Good-bye Saint John Neumann Youth!

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