October 3, 2009

Welcome to the Pity Party

Life is pretty tough in the Morris household right now. I thought about going through a diatribe listing all the problems going on, but by the 2nd paragraph you'd be thinking, "Does Mary want us to throw a pity party?" And I would be like, "I'd love to have a pity party." And then you'd look at your schedule, and I'd look at mine. Then there would be no free weekends, and we'd call the whole thing off. So to wrap it up, we had a rough last week, we are currently having a rough week, and it's basically guaranteed that the next few weeks will be rough also.

But there are a few bright spots in all the storm clouds. Ladies and Gentleman, a drum roll please....... Clare can crawl for a few feet and stand for a few milliseconds! I've become her official jungle gym with the droll skids to prove it. I love it when she gets on her knees, and I get to yell at her "Who's the good little catholic girl?" I'm ready to pose her with a rosary in her hand and start to build her Nun portfolio! I'm getting this kid to heaven if it kills me.

I have a wonderful daughter, a husband who loves me, and after a few more weeks this nightmare will be over. I'll be singing "Alleluia" in the streets while possibly dancing in my underwear! I can't wait to get there.

Basically, I wrote this post to help me de-stress a little. And for whoever actually read the whole sad, narcissistic post, thank you for letting me vent for awhile.

1 comment:

Elizabeth & Chad said...

Mary Morris, that is why you call your friends... CALL YOUR FRIENDS! Or we will call you first!!