September 2, 2009

What I've learned after 3 years?

Today, Kevin and I celebrate three years of marriage. I can't help but think back over the time that has passed and how much each of us has learned. Here are the top ten things I've learned so far:

10. When you want a dog and your spouse wants a cat, sometimes the best compromise is to not compromise at all. Get both!

9. Push your spouse to try new things like Parmesan cheese on your pasta or green chilies in your enchiladas.

8. When your spouse has an embarrassing story about having to poop outdoors, don't prod her to tell it in front of your family.

7. Never joke about the "d" word (divorce). It's just not funny.

6. After a few months of being married, you will look back at all the other guys you were attracted to and start to see how all of them were horribly wrong for you.

5. Having children is the hardest thing you will ever do, but paradoxically it will also be the best thing you ever do. They change your life completely, and most of the time it's when you need a change in your life.

4. Be smart with your money and forget the Joneses. They are too hard to keep up with anyway. You don't need the biggest house or the nicest cars, but you do need to manage your debt and save for your future.

3. When you start feeling like you need more from your spouse, look at what you are giving instead. If you work more on giving, then you will receive more than you thought was possible.

2. Never make your husband your God. He is just a human that will make mistakes. But God has a perfect love for you, and his longing for you will never fade. While you love your husband with all that you have, make sure you give a little more to God.

1. When your sitting on a dusty orphanage floor in Mexico with your boyfriend of only two weeks and you feel God speak to your heart that this man is your perfect match and future husband, rest assured that he is absolutely right. You have a beautiful life in your future.

Love you, Kevin! I can't wait to spend many more years by your side.

1 comment:

Elizabeth & Chad said...

Awe, this is sweet Mary! Congratulations!