June 11, 2005

The Great Race

---Once a very wise friend (a.k.a. Stacie) told me how to find the perfect man. She said that you have to be running towards God and keep your focus set on him. Then when you look over and see the man running alongside you, you've found him. I'll forever be grateful for that tid-bit of knowledge.

---So I ran, and ran, tripped... dang it, got up, ran, ran, ran into a mistake... opps, refocused, ran, ran, ran, and God told me to look over. I saw him. Wasn't sure, so kept on running towards God, and he said to look over again. yep, he was still there. He was still running next to me.

---That's when part of the advise was lost. I was so intrigued that I couldn't stop looking next to me. I lost my focus. My run, turned into a jog, which turned into a little walk. My focus was on who was next to me, not who I was running towards. Things started getting harder, the one started to seem farther away, and I couldn't hear of the cry of God calling me forward.

---Something had to happen... so I ran focused on God. And it worked. I ran, I kept my focus, and when I glanced over, he was still right next to me, closer than ever. He's next to me, not in front of me. He's focused with me, I'm not focused on him. We run together, and try to keep our focus on God. Without that, everything crumbles. There is no foundation to a relationship without God being the key player in it all.

"I say only this: forgetting what is behind me, I race forward and run towards the goal, my eyes on the prize to which God has called us from above in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14-15

... thanks for the advice, stacie...

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Oh Mary...thanks, but I really can't take the credit!! I'd heard that from some other very wise individuals. Now if only I could follow it myself!! haha. I love the way your focus is always on God. It speaks volumes about you, and you simply amaze me!!