April 6, 2005

No, I do not want sex in a bottle!

I apologize for this not being a reason to praise God, but it bothers me so much that I must share!

I am a bottle reader. Lotion, Shampoo, Conditioner, Hair Products, the works... I love reading the stupid fluff stuff on the back and sad directions (come on, who doesn't already know how to shampoo their hair). But I read the info on the back of the Herbal Essences shampoo, and it just crossed the line. I will type the exact wording from the bottle:

Escape into a world of exotic pleasure and unleash the power of your naturally beautiful hair. Seductively lush and wild, this shampoo will take your hair to a place it's never been before.

Herbal Lore: Ginger Flower has sensuous arousal powers; it's been used as a seducing botanical for centuries.

DIRECTIONS: Massage your hair under a waterfall and get lost in the sensuous lather. Linger in the lush fragrance and exotic pleasure. Rinse when ready.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! I assume I am part of the target demographic for Herbal essences, but I assure you that I don't want analogies to sex on my shampoo. It was bad enough that they had "moaning" commercials that would make you feel horribly uncomfortable while sitting next to your dad, but now they make me uncomfortable by myself in the shower. How sad is that this sex drenched, gutter minded world has to use words like pleasure, sensuous, and arouse just to sell something to rid your hair of oil every day! This is the last time I'm buying herbal essences. I would rather read the boring bottle of Head & Shoulders. With them I don't have worry about getting dirty again right after I shower...

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Oooh Mary, I love you!!